BioCharisma Podcast

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BioCharisma Podcast



Dr. Barre Lando, the better looking half of the Alfa Cast, joins the Pod this week to discuss the best dowsing implements in the world: our human bodies. He and I share the tenant that the subtle controls the gross, and that we have the ability to tune in to what’s just beneath the surface level of physicality. The Good Doctor reminds us that physicality would be better represented as “Phase-icality” when considering the notion of time. If your frequency has brought you to this sonic locality, strap in for the harmonic overlapping of our interferometry.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

Whistleblower Justin Leslie joins us this week to share his story of double jeopardy within the hallowed halls of Pfizer and O’Keefe Media Group. He has direct admission from his Pfizer cohorts of what the intentions were for Warping our Speed.
Trusting Project Veritas to release this story proved to be the bottle neck. Legalese and flat out lying shelved his undercover work, and delayed information that could have saved many lives. Hurray for this courageous soul, who persisted and finally got his story out with Marty Leeds via Project Whistle Blower.

Support Justin's mission and discover the truth for yourself by watching Project Whistleblower: Volumes 1 & 2 and donate at Help Justin continue to share his story on various podcasts; listeners can expect to learn more about important issues related to health, COVID-19, the pandemic, child trafficking, and more. Join us in this mission to expose the truth and hold those responsible accountable.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

The Mandela Effect is reaching into the core spiritual books of the Abrahamic faiths and much of popular media. It's characterized as mass misremembering where everyone who has misremembered share the same 'Errant' attachment.
John Kirwin joins the stream tonight to discuss changes that have happened to The Good Book and the supernatural ramifications that it portends. It's one thing to have meaningless media and Celebrity's names changing, but to have the spiritual axis of three of the largest faiths be modified is a whole other thing.
John Kirwin has been on the front lines of his Christian community sharing what the gospel says about the modification of the 'Word' in the end days. He has also asked the relevant questions that John the Revelator brings up in his book about the third coming of Christ......... that's not an error. Yes, the bible speaks of a third coming of Christ.

Sometimes God laughs at our plans. Even though the unknown seems strenuous because it’s mysterious, the grace that’s bestowed upon us is better than we could have imagined. Talia of Noble Task Homestead joins us to discuss her family’s journey into the wilds of the western Ozarks, while transitioning from city life to farm life. Talia’s family-centric business selling wholesome products has been catapulted by her Instagram truth drops @Talia_likeitis along with an amazing sense of humor displayed in her reels. BTW, she’s a domer- a green house domer, that is….. All the coolest cats are.

We have about 45 minutes of video before I ran out of memory and had to switch to audio only. Check out her beautiful Geodesic Dome Green House in that portion. Anytime you can grow Mango above the 36th parallel you are doing something right.

@nobletaskhomestead on Instagram

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

Intrepid researcher Sofia Smallstorm is back on the Pod to discuss Earthing (Grounding). I feel like this interview covers the three main ways that grounding can benefit you:

1 Discharging excess ions (giving a pathway for them to go to)
2 Metabolic efficiency
3 Shielding you from excess EM noise in your local environment

Grounding has been essential to my health as a masseuse, and I have offered enhanced Earthing systems to clients that I have built for. I’m pleased to announce that offers the best quality grounding equipment that I have been able to find.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

Is there such a thing as a Hyper dimensional Sonic Laboratory observing people's bio-rythms? Is there such a thing as a Kinetic Psychonaut(Knot)?
Tonight we explore the embodied time traveling expertise of Emily Moyer.

Josh and Adam Bigelsen have continued the work of their father, Dr. Harvey Bigelsen, within the field of Dark Field mi·cros·co·py. Forty years of seeing holographic images of traumatized organs, bones, and tissues within the blood has lead to a phenomenology that mirrors that of the ancient Eastern holistic traditions…. We are made of light! This light first condenses into Protium and then hydrogen before it becomes the constituents of the entire anatomy.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

The level of isolation I felt in central Europe was akin to floating on a spinning ball within an infinite vacuum until David Weiss, aka Flat Earth Dave, saved me from the billiard ball cosmology. It took two weeks of ego evisceration to complete my plunge through the Firmament into a world that greatly reflected my magnetic experimentation. The light bulb of the North Pole, Polaris, now made sense through the lens of Bedini, as Scalar North could be had in this circular plain of inertia. Flat Earth Dave has been busy flat-smacking everyone into submission since then and is constantly lurking behind the scenes of all podcasts to catch more converts into his circular net.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

Eight foot tall Native Americans on the barrier islands of Florida and Georgia would sacrifice their babies in the same fashion as the Canaanites of the Bible when the first settlers arrived to the New World. We discuss how the Robber Baron's at the turn of the 20th century used the Ka from these rituals to anchor the monetary system that we use today!

I had to bring Brother Marty Leeds over to my renovated office so he could clarify the name of his ministry, Gnostic Church & Academy of Lord Jesus Christ. If that name doesn’t offend you, then you are that one sheep that left the flock of a hundred. That title alone tells you exactly of the type of man Marty Leeds is: fearless. Brother Marty has been bridging Christianity and Mysticism with mathematics and Hermetics for close to twenty years in a very unapologetic way. The transubstantiation(might be the biggest word ever) of the soul is the whole point of life, and I find Marty’s current work to be bar-none in revealing the mythos of the Great Book. If some of you are into the luminaries, his "Scripture in the Stars" is one of the best Astrotheological books ever written.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

The Archivist, Ben Ben, and I “wind-walk” through the most revolutionary cosmological model ever conceived. That’s right, the SWISS CHEESE UNIVERSE theory:). Our Twainish-like meander takes us up the Mississippi River to the Saint Louis, Missouri Gateway Arch, which separates the East from the Midwest. Is this massive arch form encoding the alchemical transition for the United States continent? Being the final episode of BioCharisma’s season 2, this episode encapsulates our study of time, light, and proportionality, along with references of many of our past guests such as Michelle Gibson, Stephanie McPeak Petersen etc… The Gateway Arch is the pinnacle of the 'Language of the Birds’ that one-third of these shows have been devoted to.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

In Today’s world of Mu-sick, we have producers such as Lyor Cohen(Liar Priest) who cast spells to engineer society. In this pod, Stephanie McPeak Petersen unveils that this priest-craft has been happening since Plato’s Symposium. This pod gets to the root of Polarity Therapy: my practice of tuning people’s body instrument. The dynamic disequilibrium that is the play between man and woman is the harmonic tension that is in all good music. Stephanie’s YT channel is a doctorate in harmonics and how we are tuned to the current systems of governance. Enjoy!

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

Eileen McKusick joins the BioCharisma Podcast to discuss vibrational healing and its more subtle implications. Her system of "biofield tuning" has helped thousands of people world-wide by harmonizing their greater electrical body so that it’s in concert with the environment. We have all experienced being around someone who seems cursed or who is "carrying the weight of the world" on their shoulders. More than likely, they have a disruptive pattern that is lodged in their BioField anatomy. In my work as a Polarity therapist, we induce movement of these patterns by exhibiting the opposite charge so that the disruption can find "ground," so needless to say I can speak her language. I couldn’t help but go Meta when talking about BioField Tuning at a distance. Book a session with her or one of her cohorts if you’re into good vibrations.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

I had to have the incomparable Slick Dissident back on the pod to discuss the implications of connecting the ’New Calendar’ to his study of the nine positions of the Enneagram. As soon as I saw a calendar composed of nine day weeks, I thought of Nikola Tesla’s assertions around the master number and Slick’s study of Plato’s Symposium. We get deep into the archetypal significance of the combination of these two constructs along with the heady exploration of the notion of timing itself. My Man’s YT channel is out of this world:

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

Professor Longo joins us this week to give context to the Eastern Roman Empire, which shouldn’t be confused with the Western Roman that collapsed circa 500 A.D. There was a thriving, vibrant culture that embraced the more Mystical components of the Christian Mythos that was excluded from history by a bottlenecking Catholic influence.
This Eastern Christian tradition programmed their message in the "Language of the Birds," architecture, art, music and drama. We get into where the Alchemist had their hub of experimentation and the process of Apophatic learning. This interview, along with the next three, will paint the picture of how the learned hid in plain sight while the inquisitors obliterated the private pursuit of Christ. Check out Professor Longo @thedancing_elephant on Instagram.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

Does the Gregorian Calendar set the rhythm of your life? Tom Sherman, of, joins us to discuss how he engineered a calendar that is anchored to day light. The notion of the Gregorian calendar putting us into an energetic deficit first came to my attention through the author Jose Argüelles. He, like Tom, found that our current calendar has an illogical configuration that doesn’t fit the natural world. If your timing is off, you can miss opportunities. This pod will be the start of me setting a new tempo with this new calendar that will harness the power of 3-6-9.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

During the deep winter months we are asked to go within, to the dark black aspects of our selves. The BioCharisma podcast obviously feels very comfortable swimming in the seas of pyrolized carbon, and while there we ran into a beautiful mermaid, Michelle Lundquist of Michelle’s Healing Home. This Pod was so much fun as we end up getting to the healthy dynamics between the sexes while we discuss the plant kingdom and how it likes to use us. I’ve been listening to Michelle, Kyle, Mario, and Chance, all former guests, speak about each month’s amplified herb within the Astro Herbalism series of the Innerverse Podcast. It's a great starter class in understanding how these allies are optimized by the sky clock. We also solved the mystery of my farm smudging.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

This week, Kyle Denton of Tippie Canoe Herbs is on the BioCharisma Podcast to usher in a depth of observation that only a true lover of plants could. He’s an herbalist with an Ayurvedic backbone. So, the fundamentals of the elemental energies, fire, water, air and earth, add an Octave to his wholistic practice. This last year I listened to his Astro Herbalism series with Chance Garton and wanted to have him ruminate with me over light cycles, plant medicines, and what role we play to the plants that surround us. Kyle is such a pleasure to listen to; as you can tell, he really loves his work and takes the requisite time just to BE with nature. This pod is a nice primer for the explorations into the relationship between time and light that’s soon to be explored with my future guests.
Root Radical Podcast

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

The word “super” usually denotes something extra-ordinary, phenomenally speaking. Chaz of the Dead joins us to discuss many extraordinary things this week, including super fluids (Aether), superconductivity, orgone, and ghost hunting. His boots-on-the-ground research has lead to a very balanced and mature outlook on the paranormal and those that research it. His book, A Place Between Time and Space, is in my queue so that I might learn how to observe and record the more subtle aspects of our entanglement in a more efficient way.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

The Gardner’s journey to the top of the Ozarks in Missouri was in great part due to our guest today Adam Stevens, a.k.a Mr. Permie Bear. He is the owner/operator of Grateful Harvest Seeds and Legends Repair & Remodel. In this pod we talk about the genesis of our friendship, what we have observed in the Ozarks and where we will put our future attention. In 2024 we will be starting an educational platform, within the Living Free Movement, called 'Practical Innovation.’
This talk you’ll get the vibe of some of our future content as we share our experiments in what I term as PERMYculture. We are going to have a lot of fun.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

Early 2015, I was lost at sea when the Flat Earth Cosmology entered my consciousness. All the great researchers who were broadening my flat horizon were coalesced with the calm, logical presence of Allegedly Dave, our guest on this week's Pod. One of his fans had made an English-dubbed version of his interview done in some Eastern European country that was so professional and thorough that I found it to be irrefutable.
I have devoured the entirety of Allegedly Dave’s corpus. Urine Therapy, Flat Earth, Black Israelites, Paleo Hebrew(Phonecian), Over Unity Devices and Domes barely touch the breadth and width of his studies. Dave is a true renaissance man and our conversation reflects his most current cosmology, which centers on the "Book of Remembrance," a.k.a The Old Testament. We dive into the three headed eagle prophecy, and what the latest Eclipse Cycle over the United States for bodes.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

After recording at least 40 podcasts where I get into the cosmology of my guests, a bunch of you requested an interview of where I am at with modeling the Realm. I reached out to George Hardwick to interview me on the subject, as I really appreciate his enthusiasm on all Gravy-related subjects. Having a chronology of exposure matters because it gives context, and with context there is credibility. More than likely, we will have a follow-up interview to complete the circle and preview future endeavors, which will include a guild of GeoPolymer Dome Builders. Enjoy the Holidays, Y’all!

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

We have the most famous Blue Devil of all time on the cast today as Dr. Andrew Kaufman joins us from N.C. No one has deciphered the grammar of the VIRUS situation better than Dr. Kaufman, who has been a virtual mentor to me with regards to challenging medical assumptions. This pod gets into the mental framework of Crushers as we explore the “flow state,” and we tread the gravy-laden waters of some of the current financial trends.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

One of the attributes of a home that is "sustainable" is durability. AirCrete Harry has been one of the lead experimenters with "Cellular Cement," aka AirCrete, which might be the most durable and light building material available to DIYers. Harry has been steadfast in chronicling his experiments, and provides the best products for home masonry. Our stream of consciousness gets into the genesis of AirCrete Harry and his best practices. We talk about the different folks that inspired us and what our future plans are.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]

Mario Garza, of, joins Biocharisma to recalibrate where our nightward attention has been flowing. Have you ever asked the question of why do we only pay attention to the ecliptic plain in our natal astrological charts? True north might indicate more than a magnetic pole. Mario’s symbolic literacy and artist born flow state decipher’s our past differently than convention would have it. Our conversation starts and ends with axis Mundi on which all the luminaries depend.

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: [email protected]

To Book a Celestic Profile: [email protected]


Created 2 years ago.

74 videos

Category DIY & Gardening

A curious domesteader riding the waves of the luminaries